Sunday, September 23, 2012

Darien and Yvaine's Birthday Party

This year the girls had their Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Here is the cake
 They had a table all set up for us
 All the kids got to play lots of games

 Chuck E Cheese came out and talked with all the birthday kids and then we had cake

 Little Audry walking around having fun
 Tiffany and Audry
 The Dahler clan
 Yvaine crown
 Darien and Yvaine wouldn't go in the ticket blaster so we sent Chloe and Anna and they did awesome collected over 1000 tickets
 The girls opening the gifts

 Audry enjoying some cake

Sleep Study

Well Darien had a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea for a reason for her Hyperactivity. This is some of the stuff they connected to her head.
 This is the stuff they connected to her body
 Here she is getting all hooked up

 Now its time to sleep
 Maybe????? We should find out the results in a few weeks

Darien started 2nd Grade

Well Darien started Second grade this year

 Yvaine got to have a donut
 Waiting for the bell to ring

Summer 2012

We went to the Evergreen State Fair this year and brought Chloe with us.

 Cori and Colton  came too

 Animals that the girsl won playing games.
 Yvaine got a bubble gun that she played with all day
 John won a squid hat
 Colton, yvaine, Chloe and Darien waiting to ride the mini coster
 Colton rode with Yvaine
 Colton and Yvaine are in the second car at the end.

 Chloe with her hands up
 Darien and Chloe and Colton hidding in the back
 We also went to the Demo Durby and had a lot of fun
 Okay now see the guy getting into the green van
 Well after the guy got in they blew it up
 And, here's the guy getting out. It was cool
 Yvaine trying to sleep in the grandstands, it didnt last...
 But, later she did finally fall asleep
All in all we all had a good time, we got every late and then we all crashed. Darien also went on her first big girl roller coster but she cryed a lot so I didnt have time for photos.