Monday, February 15, 2010

Carni say SHHH Yvaine!

Just go's to show even the cat needs some peace and quiet!

Mommy got her hair did..

All smiles all the time.

Yvaine is spending more and more time in her Jumparoo

I found this photo today man has she grown so fast this week she will be 5 months

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random Photos of the week

Well Yvaine rolls onto her belly now just about every time you lay her down. For the most part she seems to like it but not for much more then a few minutes.
Yvaine likes to stand up!
If you hold her up she could stay like that all day long. she seems to really enjoy looking at people and loves it when you talk or sing to her.

Medusa the crazy big sister

There is always lots of kisses to give...

This is Darien playing Yvaine in her Jumparoo singing to her about taekwondo

Yvaine has starting making funny noise when she gets sleepy, i have been trying to get a video of it all this week but she seems to always stop when i turn on the camera so i got this one the other night after i took the video she feel asleep in my arms.