Sunday, July 25, 2010

Silver Lake

We went to Silver Lake to play in the sun and sand!

Darien playing in the sand!

Now its time to cool off cause the sand was like a million degrees on top of that it was almost 90 outside.

Splish splash

This time Yvaine loved the water she was just smiles ear to ear!

My girls together

We tried to get her to play in the sand but she wouldn't let go of daddy's hands

Darien building something

This is my favorite Photo!

One last of the girls then we came home to get the sand out of our butts.

Trinitys one year anniversary party

So after Darien's test her school had a BBQ to celebrate there one year anniversary. So we all went to Lake Stevens to BBQ and swim.

Darien and Ashlyn playing at Lake Stevens

My little princess!

Yvaine in her first pool she wasn't to sure if she liked it

The girls drying off and getting some sun

Yvaine and Daddy cooling off in the shade

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Black strip belt test

This saturday was Darien's black strip belt test her last belt before she moves into full color and joins the older children's class. Here is Darien and her friend Austin.
A group photo before the test with all the proud mom's and dad's in the back.

Getting ready for her punches

Now kicks

Doing her Ax kick

Friday, July 16, 2010

First hot wealther for Washington

Finally Washington hit over 75 since September 2009 and it only took till July but it wasn't NO 75 it was 94.

Look at that hang time!

She loved going down but wasn't to keen on the water in the face

And shes down now repeat these photos for about a thousand times over 3 days and rest asured Darien slept like a rock every night.

Happy 4th of July

For the 4th of July we had a BBQ with some Tae Kwon Do family's here is Darien and Austin making faces!

We let of some of are own and watched other as well, we also went down to Lake Stevens and watch everyone there!

Darien is doing her sparklers

Yvaine and I all bundled up it was cold like 50 degrees cold

My Darien


a good time had by all

Strawberry Festival

The town we live in Marysville has a Strawberry festival every year and Trinity Martial arts ( Dariens TKD school) had a booth this year so we went to visit and help out!

Darien sparring with another class mate they where putting on a little show for everyone all while having fun!

Now its resting time with sis!

Do they look alike?

When we got home Daddy gave Yvaine her first Cheetos and she just loved them!
And shortly there after she passed out from a long day!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mommy turned 30!

Well I Turned 30 in June and we had we a little party with Johns family; we BBq'd and had cake.

Yvaine got to try her first piece of cake! all she really did was mush it in her hands.

Some days her hair is curly and others it just does what it wants!

This is Darien and her cat Carni sitting at the end of our drive way having a relaxing moment!