Monday, November 22, 2010

First snow!

Well Monday November 22nd we got are first big snow 3 inches, took John 3.5 hours to get home from work. Tuesday school has already been canceled for Darien and Daddy is taking the day off too!
Yvaines first snow and she loved it!

Happy little snow bunny

Darien couldn't wait to make a snow angel

she did a good job!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kindschi family photos

Okay family and friends we had our family photos done, you will see the edited ones we like and the unedited ones that i plan to play around with. We will start with the edited

Okay these are the unedited ones we like I too have photo shop so I have some plans to play around with these ones.


Halloween turned out to be a great day for Washingston we got in lots of play time and got lots of candy.

Colton taking Yvaine on his go cart!

Darien was Wonder Women

Yvaine was a Unicorn but she wouldnt stop moving so I was unable to get a full photo of her looking at me.

The night turned out to be great and both girls got lots of candy!