Thursday, February 24, 2011

First Snow of 2011

I thought Yvaine's little boot prints were cute so I turned it into a photo.
Darien favorite snow angels.
My little snow bunny
Darien making snow balls with the snowballer we got last year.
There was fun to be had and I think the smile tells it all
This is what fell while we where sleeping

All in all the kids got s snow days and Marysville got about 2inch give or take an inch.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lego fun

We pulled out Darien's old Mega blocks from when she was a toddler.
The girls had so much fun with the mega blocks
But, I think they liked the tub better

Here they are sharing an otter pop and watching cartoons in the tub

They pretty much lived in this tub for 2 days

So daddy decided we should get them more Lego's so I got Yvaine her first set of blocks for little people
And Darien got her first real lego set, so here is daddy helping her put it together.

Our Furry children

Fargo has taken a liking to Yvaine's crib, so when she's not in it Fargo is.
Fargo will lay just about anywhere
Poor Carni, Yvaine just loves her.

Yvaine will hug Carni all day every day if Carni would let her.

The kids relaxing on the sofa.

Random photos

Yvaine finally riding the four wheeler she got for Christmas
The girls watching cartoons together
Yvaine hiding under the table
Getting ready to celebrate the Chines New Year with some friends
My girls

Oh Baby!

Darien decided to put her Red Robin balloon in her ballerina dress up one night and the fallowing is her betray of a pregnant ballerina.

Messy Baby

While out having coffee with a friend daddy thought it a good idea to give Yvaine a cookie and let her run free.
Daddy was lucky that the only thing covered in Chocolate was Yvaine
So daddy took some photos to show mommy when she got back. Mommy was happy not to have had to clean this messy baby up.


January proved to be a long month for little Miss Yvaine, she got bronchiolitis.
She had to do breathing treatment 4 times a day with her nebulizer.
She wouldn't put the fish mask on her face so each time we had to sit with her and hold it up to her mouth and nose.
At first she didn't like this nebulizer at all and would scream, so I started taking photos of her to make it fun.

All in all I took Yvaine from December 23 2010 till January 29 2011 to get better after having the flu, croup, post nasal drip and then Bronchiolitis.

Last Night on Earth

So for Christmas daddy got his favorite board game Last night on Earth and we let Darien stay up and play one night with us.
Our friends Sean came to play too, he played the zombies and Daddy, Mommy and Darien played the towns people...I died twice so then it was up to Darien and daddy.
And, of course the zombies won! But we still had fun.