Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Blast

Darien falling in the snow
Poor little Yvaine is almsot lost in the snow thank goodness for all the pink
Helping to build the snow fort
Yvaine helping

By the end of this snow storm the branches on this tree where touching the ground
Our Snow fort that never got played in
The neighbor hood
We went sledding and it was soooooo much fun, here is Darien going down

Cori and Colton going down
Darien again
Darien getting some air
Darien waiting her turn

Darien and Chloe playing outside

John has the leave blower trying to clean off the car
The is are neighbor he lost two trees this is tree one
And, this is tree two it just split in half
out the back
Looking Down 91st

Photos from my phone of Yvaine

Everyday Yvaine finds my phone and asks to say CHEESE which to her is get her photo taken she then say I SEE meaning she wants to look at. So here are some random photos of Yvaine off my phone.

Her first bloody nose and every time she sees this photo she says YUCK

Yvaine can control and use all the electronics in our house that includes cell phones, ipods, kindles, TV, laptops, DVD players.
and this is what happens when you take them away from her...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone
We had a great Christmas this year Thank you to all the Grandma's and Grandpa's that send gifts.
The stocking hung with care
Its time to open this year the girls got up at 7am which was better than last years 5am.
Although this was the first year Yvaine opened her gifts daddy did have to help a little.

It took us about 2 hours to unwrap everything and get picked up but we all loved out gifts and it was a great Christmas.