Monday, April 9, 2012

Yvaines water fun

Well sister is back to school and it's just Yvaine and mommy again. Just so happened to be a great first day so we went outside to play
 I let her play in the water for a while

 She also played with her bubble machine

 and made some mud

 And, played with her little people while mommy soaked up some sun

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, we did an egg hunt out back

 Colton came to help me hid the eggs

 Colton  hid all of Dariens eggs he tryed hard to get them all in odd places and up high

 I put all of Yvaines close to the ground
 Yvaine got a trike for Easter.

Darien got roller skates but I wasn't able to get any photos of her in them because she broke my camera I got it working again now but the 21x zoom is a no go till I get it fixed.

Roller Skating

Darien is taking skating lessons shes getting better and better every time.

 The limbo
 Her instructor working with her

She thinks shes hot stuff! 
 And, Cloe is also taking lessons with her.