Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sun, Sand and Crabbing at kayak Point

What a great day it was at Kayak Point and oh so pretty

 We got there at 830am so while we unloaded cars the kids played at the play ground

 Then it was beach time, Dairen looks so good next to the water

 We were there with some friends of ours and John got to go out and help with the crabbing

 Darien helping to hold the boat
 It wasn't long before Yvaine took her clothes off
 Sisters having fun
 Darien playing in the water
 Yvaine not sure if she likes the water cause its cold
 Water balloons
 Yvaine getting in some alone time and working on her Tia chi (or at least that's what it looks like)
 Yvaine helping me look for clams

She liked the ugly ones

 More digging for clams

I know its hard to see but when we got here the tide was in so the water was all the way up by the trees and this is how far the tide went out before coming back in that afternoon. 

The men chatting about crabbing before going out to check the pods 
 Some more sister play time
 John out with the kids digging in the wet sand
 The crab that came home with us, all in all the men got about 11 crab
 my clams
 So Yvaine was asleep by the time we got home, so while we brought in everything from the car we laid her on the couch and later I went to wake her to take a shower and this is what her big sister has done to her...

Random photes from camera and cell phone

This is how a hard day of play turns out for Yvaine. Asleep at 630 in the chair
 Chloe spend the 4th of July with us and she feel asleep.
 Yvaine and her baby
 After being gone all day Yvaine came home to fall asleep bent over the couch.
 Darien and mommy
 Yvaine and mommy
 Yvaine again asleep but this time in the car and eating a chip
 Another nap

Asleep on daddy
 Darien at Chucky Cheese
 Yvaien waiting for swim to start
 This is how Yvaine feel asleep on the 4th of July with her ears plugged...
 Waking up from a nap

Sprinklers and Cheap pools

The first warm day we got out the sprinkler
 and had a little fun
 Darien and Chloe
 We bought a cheap pool and it last 1 day.
 good thing I only paid 7.99
 Yvaine got cold so she got out
 So after warming up she sprayed the girls with the hose