Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday week and Visit with Grandma and Grandpa Warren!

Grandma and Grandpa Warren came to visit us for a hole week! We had lots of fun hanging out and playing!

Yvaine chillin on Grandma watching some cartoons!

Grandpa hard at work cutting down trees in the yard!

Break time for the men so we came out to visit Daddy! Yvaine was very happy!

All 4 trees down and some limbs cut, looks like a tornado went through!

Here we are all are admiring the hard hard work

Darien playing in the newly trimmed apple tree

After a long day the yard is cleared!

The man folk resting!

Yvaine hanging out with Grandma

More Grandma time!


Birthday girl number 1

Birthday girl number 2

Can you say spoiled!

My girls!

the pinata!

Yvaine didn't really now what to do with her cake!

But Darien does!

Darien's doll house that we got her!

Yvaine lots among the gifts

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