Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dariens playing soccer now

Dairen is playing micro soccor this spring its an hour twice a week where 30 minutes is to practice and the last 30 minutes they play 3 on 3 with no goaly

Getting in some practice before the practice
Okay its time for some soccor

Heres coach Ann trying to get the ball from Dairen

Run baby get the ball

Dairen after kicking the ball

Okay heres Darien and her team mate Isaac before there first game of the day

Game in play currently red team has the ball

Dairen, Isaace and Ronnie getting ready for a new play

Dairen taking her water break

Waiting on the other team to put in there new players

In this play Daien get knocked down but she takes it like a champ and gets back in the game

We score again time to rest and start another game

What a great day of soccer time for some water

Darien first kindergarten concert

Darien had her first every concert at the end of April its was very cute and she sang very well here are a few of the high lights

Here they are sing Im a little tea pot but with a twist

The Sun it came and then it went

Since most of April was was cloudy and rainy the first sunny day we got we went to the park. Its was cold and windy but we still had fun.

Then the very next day its was back to rain again so here's the girls cuddling and watching some cartoons

Mommies Helper

Yvaine enjoys helping me with the dishes if only it would last through her teen years, hey I can wish cant I.

Big sister laying down the law

So Dairen doesn't like for her little sister Yvaine to get into her stuff while shes at school so one morning I walk into Darien's room to find she has left Yvaine a note on her dresser drawer it reads

"Yvaine NO"

She wrote "Yvaine NO" on every drawer in green marker its a little hard to see

So after school I made her clean it all up after reminding her that Yvaine cant read yet

Lots and Lots of lost teeth

Well Darien has been getting more and more of her adult teeth coming in, she lost her bottome two front teeth last year so this year its time for the top. So heres daddy having a little fun with her.

One down one to go
Then she got something stuck in her gums and got a bad infection so her first tooth pulled by the dentist.

And then about 3 weeks later bow we are now singing all I want for christmas is my two front teeth.