Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dariens playing soccer now

Dairen is playing micro soccor this spring its an hour twice a week where 30 minutes is to practice and the last 30 minutes they play 3 on 3 with no goaly

Getting in some practice before the practice
Okay its time for some soccor

Heres coach Ann trying to get the ball from Dairen

Run baby get the ball

Dairen after kicking the ball

Okay heres Darien and her team mate Isaac before there first game of the day

Game in play currently red team has the ball

Dairen, Isaace and Ronnie getting ready for a new play

Dairen taking her water break

Waiting on the other team to put in there new players

In this play Daien get knocked down but she takes it like a champ and gets back in the game

We score again time to rest and start another game

What a great day of soccer time for some water

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