Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas day

As you can see I am NOT happy about getting up at 6am after being up all night with Yvaine!
But Darien on the other hand took no time at all in trying to rip stuff open from her stocking!

more stocking fun!

present time

lets see theres some baby alive and a snuggy and baby sitting mama Wii game


Yvaine didnt get up till about 8am, so Darien and daddy helped her open up her gifts

She really didnt want anything to do with the gift till it was out of the box but then she had fun

She did get 2 of these but thats an easy fix

I feel like im looking at myself, but shes waking up now.

Pushing buttons!

all in all she was spoiled rotten!

While daddy worked on putting all her gifts together she played with her maracas!

'Twas the night before Christmas

It was the night before Christmas and through my house children ran ramped and I went nuts.
But soon the children were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads

But soon we arose to such a clatter, Yvaine has croup and coughed and vomited. With a nice hot shower she was soon ready to help her daddy!

Shortly there after we got to hang are stocking by the chimney with care.

With hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be here.

As most of you know the girls got sick with the flu before Christmas, Darien was over it after about 24hours and some meds to help her stop vomiting. Yvaine on the other hand developed croup (yes again) and since then has been sick. This made for a really not so nice Christmas. For the most part she is happy and then like a train the croup runs her over and shes not happy. But now that Christmas is over she has been to the doctor and given some medication to help so I hope the next view days things will turn around.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Yvaine after M&M's

Christmas gifts from Grandpa and Grandma Rodgers

Grandpa and Grandma Rodgers sent some Christmas gifts, I let the girls open the box since they were so over joyed that they got a box with their name on it!
It took them NO time at all to open the box and get everything out!

Yvaine needed a little help to open her gift but she finished the rest.
Yvaine got a little people car its even pink!
Darien got some Ken clothing so maybe now she will stop putting ken in dresses.

Grandma Rodgers is super good at picking out art stuff for the girls!

Tub Crayons are super fun!

Yvaine even thought they tasted good.

Gonna be fun getting all this off the tub but at least a good time was had! P.s don't mind the naked barbies.

Darien working on some of those art projects that Grandma Rodgers sent!

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Rodgers for the Christmas box we are having lots of fun!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yvaine not taking her nap

Yvaine has moved from two naps a day to one nap and its now getting even more harder to get her to take the one nap.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa Train

This year we went on the Santa Train, its a short train ride to see Santa.
We went with the Dahler family and I think we all had a semi nice time.
The train we rode was old and a little cold but not to bad to see the old train.
Yvaine liked the train ride
The girls got to see Santa!
We also had cookies and hot choco that they served out of old army rail carts!

Cant you just feel the excitement beaming from this post!
On the way back we rode on the back of the train, these seats where much better and warmer, here is Darien and Anna!
Daddy being silly!
After the Santa train we had together at a small diner in North Bend, while headed to the car the Santa train was leaving for the night.

Monday, November 22, 2010

First snow!

Well Monday November 22nd we got are first big snow 3 inches, took John 3.5 hours to get home from work. Tuesday school has already been canceled for Darien and Daddy is taking the day off too!
Yvaines first snow and she loved it!

Happy little snow bunny

Darien couldn't wait to make a snow angel

she did a good job!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kindschi family photos

Okay family and friends we had our family photos done, you will see the edited ones we like and the unedited ones that i plan to play around with. We will start with the edited

Okay these are the unedited ones we like I too have photo shop so I have some plans to play around with these ones.