Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas day

As you can see I am NOT happy about getting up at 6am after being up all night with Yvaine!
But Darien on the other hand took no time at all in trying to rip stuff open from her stocking!

more stocking fun!

present time

lets see theres some baby alive and a snuggy and baby sitting mama Wii game


Yvaine didnt get up till about 8am, so Darien and daddy helped her open up her gifts

She really didnt want anything to do with the gift till it was out of the box but then she had fun

She did get 2 of these but thats an easy fix

I feel like im looking at myself, but shes waking up now.

Pushing buttons!

all in all she was spoiled rotten!

While daddy worked on putting all her gifts together she played with her maracas!

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