Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas gifts from Grandpa and Grandma Rodgers

Grandpa and Grandma Rodgers sent some Christmas gifts, I let the girls open the box since they were so over joyed that they got a box with their name on it!
It took them NO time at all to open the box and get everything out!

Yvaine needed a little help to open her gift but she finished the rest.
Yvaine got a little people car its even pink!
Darien got some Ken clothing so maybe now she will stop putting ken in dresses.

Grandma Rodgers is super good at picking out art stuff for the girls!

Tub Crayons are super fun!

Yvaine even thought they tasted good.

Gonna be fun getting all this off the tub but at least a good time was had! P.s don't mind the naked barbies.

Darien working on some of those art projects that Grandma Rodgers sent!

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Rodgers for the Christmas box we are having lots of fun!

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