Monday, December 27, 2010

'Twas the night before Christmas

It was the night before Christmas and through my house children ran ramped and I went nuts.
But soon the children were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads

But soon we arose to such a clatter, Yvaine has croup and coughed and vomited. With a nice hot shower she was soon ready to help her daddy!

Shortly there after we got to hang are stocking by the chimney with care.

With hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be here.

As most of you know the girls got sick with the flu before Christmas, Darien was over it after about 24hours and some meds to help her stop vomiting. Yvaine on the other hand developed croup (yes again) and since then has been sick. This made for a really not so nice Christmas. For the most part she is happy and then like a train the croup runs her over and shes not happy. But now that Christmas is over she has been to the doctor and given some medication to help so I hope the next view days things will turn around.

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