Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Dairen, Colton and Chloe carving pumpkins.
Darien gutting her pumpkin, Chloe didn't like the feel of the pumpkin guts so Colton was more than happy to help her out.
They came out super cute
Now its Yvaine's turn.
EWWW! I got pumpkin in my hair....
After which she let daddy finish cleaning out her pumpkin
Here she is trying to help daddy cut the pumpkin
Look at that head of hair she has.
TA-DA we have a pumpkin
For Halloween night some friends of ours brought there daughter Leila over to trick or treat with us, she was so cute as a bee. Darien was a rag doll (the costume was a size 7/8 but looked more like it would fit Yvaine better so we put on some shorts).
Darien, Leila and Yvaine shes a lamb
The little ones together
and this is the last time you will see Yvaine in this costume cause 10 seconds after this photo she took it off and wouldn't put it back on.
Darien and Chloe
Yvaine went as Snow White instead, but here we are at Cori, Ryan and Coltons house and Yvaine just walks in like shes owns the place.
So cute
Here we are at Mike and Pats house (they are to the left of us) our neighbors.

Poor Yvaine and Leila did a lot of running to keep up with Darien, Chloe and Colton.
After we took the little ones home at dark we took Darien, Colton and Chloe back out and this was the only photo I got because these kids ran from house to house getting candy.
What we had left and what the girls got from trick or treating.

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