Monday, October 31, 2011

Our New Walkway.

Thanks to John and Grandma Kindschi we now have a new walkway. Other than the idea I had nothing to do with this other then making the Home Depot payments.
On this day we got sun, rain, sun, rain, hail, sun, rain and more rain and then sun.
Grandma Kindschi (Supervisor)
John picked the stones and the pattern
"The Grid" I must tell you I did not understand this grid stuff.

John has added something new to his resume and that is masonry.
Here he is hard at work.
Happy to say he still has all his fingers.

His first cracked stone (there where many more).
Carni trying out the walkway
Darien, her BFF Chloe and Yvaine playing in the back of Grandma's truck.
My pretty princess
Almost done.

filling in the edging.
Now all that's left is to fill a few small cracks and put down the grout

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