Sunday, October 9, 2011

Photos from my phone

Well my camera broke so I have been trying to snap all I can on my phone, I know its been awhile since I have updated this but here's what I got. Darien is in a new class now where she is learning to pose the proper way in front of a camera.
she is loving this class
I know some are blurry sorry about that
Shes so cute
Yvaine is growing like a weed in front of my eyes, Everyday she looks older and older to me.
Darien dancing while using mouth wash after brushing
Yvaine after a bath
Daddy and Yvaine the morning of his surgery
Yvaine so cute
John had shoulder surgery last week on his Right shoulder, they shaved off some bone.
He is healing up good.
Yvaine taking a bath
Daddy playing with the girls, he put leg weights on them.
Darien had an boo boo that got infected and had to go to the ER and get some medication.
Dariens first day of first grade. Shes a big girl now
Last summer fun we had

Yvaine loved the little pool

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